Concept design
Concept designSUMMARY
🎮 Dota 2 trivia game.
A trivia game for Dota fans
- As a newbie, playing and learning the Dota 2 game seemed so hard; there was a lot of information, guides, and tricks.
- Requires basic knowledge about the game and the hero.
- Requires the player to know which heroes to jump.
- Requires knowledge about other players' heroes, abilities, and items.
- Requires advanced knowledge; adapting item builds to the game.
- Requires advanced knowledge about all heroes, abilities, and items.
- How do we help new players learn and play Dota 2 gam about the heroes' stats/skills easily, quickly, and effortlessly?
- UI Design
Inspired by QuizUp game, the simple and efficient idea is to create a casual game that players can learn by playing the trivia questions.