Elcom Corp


Elcom Corp


🚶‍♂️People counting solution for the retailers.

Provide retailers with valuable insights into customer behavior about the visited traffic. This information can be used to improve the shopping experience, optimize store operations, and boost sales.



- A retailer notices that their store is busiest on weekends, especially in the afternoon. They also notice that customers are spending a lot of time in the clothing section, but that conversion rates in this section are relatively low.

- The retailer could decide to increase staffing levels on weekends, as well as add more sales associates to the clothing section. They could also try running a promotion on clothing to increase conversion rates.

- How might we help them reduce costs and optimize their results quickly to decide the right time?


- UX Design
- Product Design

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People counting solution

People counting solutions for retailers use a variety of technologies, including AI cameras, sensors, and WiFi analytics, to accurately track the number of people entering and exiting a store. This data can be used to analyze customer insights about traffic flow, such as:

  • Peak and off-peak hours: Retailers can use people counting data to identify their busiest and slowest times of day, week, and year. This information can be used to optimize staffing levels, scheduling promotions, and making other business decisions.
  • Customer conversion rates: By comparing people counting data to sales data, retailers can calculate their conversion rates, which is the percentage of customers who enter a store and make a purchase. This information can be used to track the performance of different marketing campaigns and identify areas for improvement.
  • Customer dwell times: People counting data can also be used to track how long customers spend in different areas of a store. This information can be used to identify popular products and displays, as well as areas where customers may be getting lost or confused.

Uncover problems with targeted customers

After conducting some workshops and interview sessions, we defined the needs and the issues that needed to be resolved.

Tools used: User interviews, Card sorting, Desk research

Discovery Business problem

Information Architechture

Information architechture



Test and redesign the wireframe after several reviews by the product owner, developers, and some users. Prototype

UI screens

UI mockup Mockup

We conducted a Usability Testing session with the internal staff to validate this prototype quickly.