About me

Hi 👋, my name is Kevin Kim, and I have been a Product designer in the gaming, IT software services, and digital banking industry since 2016.

As a practitioner of the Design Thinking method, my tagline is to pursue minimalism to understand myself and people deeply from intrinsic. The innovation outcomes always come from a simple foundation.

“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions”–Albert Einstein.

See my “Now”⬇️.

My Work

  • Product Advisor as Head of Product at Ready–Crypto Wallet & Chat App for everyone.

  • Product Design for a digital bank in Vietnam. I’m responsible for the whole onboarding experience of customers.

My dream and career

In high school, I was fascinated by the beauty of elementary mathematics (especially Geometry and Combinatorics) and wished to become a mathematician.

I majored in computer science at university, dreaming of making great products like Facebook, Google, or Apple 🫠.

I started as a mobile app game designer for three years. Thanks to that, I know the fields of user experience design and analytical perspectives on customer psychology and behavior. That intrigued me and made me curious to explore further. My first favorite book in gaming design is “On the Way to Fun: An Emotion-Based Approach to Successful Game Design”, it showed me the difference between buying and making. That is how to build with mind and love, make with skills and tools.

In recent years, I have worked in the field of Digital Product Design in the finance/banking industry and consulted for several blockchain projects. I have been viewing financial pictures from the micro to the macro, gradually understanding how our world operates and the things that affect the behavior and decisions of each person, group of people, or country. It’s too BIG 😂. Now, I’m studying psychology behavior to understand how customers buy and make decisions. My most interested topic is Bias in Product Design.

I still dreamed of my dream when I was a kid-an artist 🧑‍🎨. That can help me answer “Who am I?”question.

Build my blog

I’d like to share and archive the knowledge of design in life, and what things I observed and enlightened. Write more to reflect and improve myself about the experiences, perceptions, and discovered things.

Music for life

My most fav track is ♫ “Fix you” by Coldplay.

My musical flavor leans a bit toward the alternative rock genre of Coldplay, The Killers, or Imagine Dragons. The music has an electronic touch with vibrant themes while still feeling the depth of the soul. I also like some Vietnam traditional songs.


This is a now page. Updated on March 20, 2024, from Hanoi, Vietnam.


Start read “The making of a Manager”–Julie Zhuo. I will write summary about this book when finish.


I visited Japan in November 2023 to join Coldplay’s Liveshow “Music of the Spheres World Tour”-they’re my favorite band. I felt and enjoyed that moment, so great, and Oh Yeahhh 🙌.

Everything in Japan is as peaceful and beautiful as people say and through the media. I am genuinely impressed by the neatness and strategic planning of traffic and the architecture of the buildings. Everything has logic and an artistic connection. I also impressed by the payment services, The synchronization of service systems makes everything convenient; self-service machines are always available and very smart. However, I felt slightly sad (may be boring) in Tokyo and the places I visited. I guess there need more some colours.

Aspirations for 2024

  • Build a channel for sharing about designing digital products in the financial industry.
  • Read more books about Art and Product management.
  • Travel more with my family. Drive my little princess to explore more places.



  • My next chapter is about being a product designer at a digital banking company in Vietnam.
  • Build my first project by sharing about financial behavior when product designing.

See more my works.


  • Ready.io project lauched.
  • Research about HCI and Cognitive load.
  • Design a Banking service for Household merchants in Vietnam.


  • Head of Design at Ready.io, led team to build a mobile app and we achieved #6 Day-rank on Produc Hunt, see detail.
  • Design experience for Bill & Payment services in Techcombank, serving millions of people in Vietnam.
  • Designed UX for Instalment Online 💳 and kept Product team stays focused on the omnichannel services experience, increased more 800% of new users and gained > $40m revenue.
  • Defined Data modeling and Designed UX for Techcombank rewind feature-based data insights ⏪ Rewind 2022, tell customers about their financial life in a year.
  • Designed UX for first digital red envelope feature 🧧 Li xi, an innovative solution for customers with traditional and digital experiences seamlessly.
  • Built a lab to conduct UX Research with Design team, conducted Usability Testing sessions with a hundred participants, and the IDI interviewing sessions.

If my life changes, I’ll update this page.

Inspired by johanbrook